Title: In A Single Bound Fandom: A Gifted Man/The Following Pairing: Zeke Barnes/Ryan Hardy Theme: Weakness Rating: PG-13 Words: 491 Warnings: None. Notes: Part of an ongoing Zeke/Ryan series.
Title: What's in A Kiss Fandom: A Gifted Man/The Following Pairing: Zeke Barnes/Ryan Hardy Theme: Kiss Rating: PG-13 Words: 485 Warnings: None. Notes: Part of an ongoing Zeke/Ryan series.
Title: Bask in the Light Fandom: A Gifted Man/The Following Pairing: Zeke Barnes/Ryan Hardy Theme: Light Rating: PG-13 Words: 497 Warnings: None. Notes: Part of an ongoing Zeke/Ryan series.
Title: A Sign of Weakness Fandom: A Gifted Man/The Following Pairing: Zeke Barnes/Ryan Hardy Theme: Weakness Rating: PG-13 Words: 486 Warnings: None. Notes: Part of an ongoing Zeke/Ryan series.
Title: Conflagration Fandom: A Gifted Man/The Following Pairing: Zeke Barnes/Ryan Hardy Theme: Fire Rating: PG-13 Words: 500 Warnings: None. Notes: Part of an ongoing Zeke/Ryan series.
Title: Head in the Clouds Fandom: A Gifted Man/The Following Pairing: Zeke Barnes/Ryan Hardy Theme: Clouds Rating: PG-13 Words: 493 Warnings: None. Notes: Part of an ongoing Zeke/Ryan series.